[blindlaw] FW: Commonwealth of Massachusetts - Employment Opportunities

Scott C. LaBarre via blindlaw blindlaw at nfbnet.org
Wed Jun 4 17:10:27 UTC 2014

FYI They usually have a number of attorney positions available.


From: Tura, Urgessa (HRD) [mailto:urgessa.tura at state.ma.us] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2014 10:58 AM
To: cindynelson at namimass.org; Perelman, James (NSD); boston at naasc.org;
amoore at naswdc.org; nigel.chan at naaapboston.org; rogersn at uthscsa.edu;
ming.hui at naaapboston.org; customerservice at nabainc.org;
info at bostonblackmba.org; harambee at nabsw.org; slabarre at labarrelaw.com;
president at boston.nshmba.org; info at nationalautismcenter.org;
sheila.fesko at umb.edu; akandel at nccjctwma.org; jpata at ncai.org;
brodriguez at nclr.org; awalker at ncnw.org; nelahq at nelahq.org;
president at nfbpaboston.org; jsaunders at nfbpa.org; imvelez at aol.com;
nlgmass-director at igc.org; worcnow at gmail.com; info at bostonnow.org;
northshorenow at yahoo.com; massnow at massnow.org; cglazer at nod.org;
patricia.landry at bostonabcd.org; beverly-patchell at ouhsc.edu;
autumnd at nawic.org; JSNiedzolkowski at Armstrong.com; hamiltot at umd.edu;
millicent at nbna.org; Elvia.Guillermo at nchdhh.org; president at noma.net;
creardon at nlsma.org; philipgiffee at noahcdc.org; naap-boston at naaponline.org;
sonitseth at gmail.com; alla_rcam at yahoo.com
Subject: Commonwealth of Massachusetts - Employment Opportunities


Dear Community Organization Leader:


The Massachusetts Human Resources Division, Office of Diversity and Equal
Opportunity would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your
willingness to be included on our comprehensive Recruitment Mailing List.
We, in the Commonwealth, strive to create and foster an environment that
hires, retains and promotes a diverse workforce, which affirms and values
diversity.  As such, we are always seeking qualified candidates and
recognize the importance of community organizations, such as yours, in
assisting us to attract a diverse workforce.   


This Recruitment Mailing List, will enable Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Agencies, statewide, to seek your assistance in announcing our employment


In our efforts to provide agencies with potential candidates we encourage
individuals to email a copy of their resume to ODEOresumebank at hrd.state.ma.
to be placed in our resume bank. 



Please visit our website http://www.state.ma.us <http://www.state.ma.us/>
to view current listing of employment opportunities.


We do appreciate your support in our efforts to recruit a highly skilled and
diverse workforce.





Urgessa Tura, Intern 

Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity



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