[blindlaw] ZoomText Magnifier/Reader Question

Daniel Smyth daniel.smyth06 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 10 22:02:58 UTC 2017

Greetings All,

I am taking the NYS Bar in two weeks. I typically use Mac OS X's built in
text-to-speech tool in my studies and day-to-day life. As I can't take the
bar exam on a Mac I am using a laptop equipped with ZoomText
Magnifier/Reader. I am having trouble setting it up to function any way
similar to the Mac OS X text-to-speech tool.

In sum, I would like to highlight text, push a command key, and have the
text read to me. Does anyone have any experience setting up the software to
work like that?

Thank you all in advance.


*Daniel E. Smyth, J.D.*
*(917) 692-1978*

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