[Blindmath] ICCHP Summer University and Wikiblind

Bernhard Stoeger Bernhard.Stoeger at jku.at
Mon Oct 4 09:00:15 UTC 2010

Dear community,
on July 11 and 12 this year, a Summer University on Math, Science and
Statistics was organized at the University of Technology in Vienna,
Austria, within the pre-conference of this year's ICCHP. The idea was to
bring together students, teachers, researchers and developers in the
field. 19 students from 10 countries took part, and 12 experts from 8
countries presented a rich collectins of workshops, both on a
technological and on a pedagogical level.

In order to foster information exchange and discussion beyond the
event, and to organize new events of this kind in the future, we created
a web site, under the following address:
http://www.icchp-summeruniversity.net - or, for those who want it

At this site you will find reports and documentatin about the event.
Also, it contains a forum where you can discuss questions that may arise
out of the Summer University - many experts in the field are members of
the forum and will be happy to discuss questions with you.

In addition, there is a new wiki on technology for the blind, with name
"wikiblind", and address:


On this wiki, there is an area called "Mathematics, Science and
Statistics", where we expect to publish articles on the subjects which
may be created, among others, from Summer University participants. You
are kindly invited to contritube to this Wiki area. The link to reach it
directly is the following:


I do know that some of the people involved in the Summer University are
also members of this list. Please do support the idea by contributing to
the forum and to the wiki.

With best wishes,
Bernhard Stöger

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