[Blindmath] Seeking collaboration

Kyle Keane kylek at wolfram.com
Tue Mar 5 22:51:46 UTC 2013

Hi all,

I am a new subscriber to this or any other mailing list so forgive me if I break any protocol. 

The short story is that I am a legally blind physicist who has decided to move into the software industry with the hope of helping increase access to high level math and physics for blind people. I am working at wolfram research, makers of Mathematica and wolfram alpha. I specifically chose this company because they have an incredible technology stack that I have been working with for 10 years. I am however cripplingly unfamiliar with business practices and need some guidance from people who have been working in industry.

Are there any professionals on this list who would be willing to have a conversation with me about the best way to make a true impact in the field? Is there anything I can do to get connected to the community of movers and shakers?

Also anyone interested in discussing possible partnerships with wolfram research can feel free to contact me at kylek at wolfram dot com

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for any consideration you give to this.

Kyle Keane

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