[BlindMath] Slightly off topic, struggling to design a survey using google forms.

faiz rasool faiz7r at gmail.com
Sun Apr 14 13:41:57 UTC 2019

Hello all,

I’m planning to conduct a survey for a research. I want to develop an
online survey. I’ve observed many people use Google forms to develop
and conduct their surveys.

However, when I try to use Google forms with Jaws and NVDA, I find
that I’m not in control of the process of typing my survey questions.
Apart from the fact that I’ve to turn on the virtual cursor mode all
the time, I cannot work out where to type my question, how to select
various options, how to save my survey.
I own Moto E4, android pone, and I tried using Google talkback to
develop a survey on Google forms. The user experience was slightly
better, however, there were so many   editable fields on the screen
that talkback kept reading, and I could not figure how to type item
number 1, item number two, and so on.

So, basically, I’ve two questions:

1)	Has anyone had any success using Google forms?
2)	Is there any other alternative that is screen reader friendly that
I can use to conduct a survey?
I should mention two things.  My university does not have any
accessibility support, so, I’m supposed to find solution of my problem
on my own. Secondly, I’m planning to collect over 500 responses.

Any suggestions or helpful ideas are most appreciated.

Best regards,

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