[BlindMath] Voice activated screen reader graphic calculators?

Kendra Schaber redwing731 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 1 03:19:53 UTC 2019

Hi all! 
 Today, at the end of math class, my math teacher came up with a good idea. He recamended that I should hunt for a nice graphic calculator that can be activated by voice commands, much like SIRI is opperated. He suggested that I get my hands on one called I think it’s called Pentel or something like it. I have not used this calculator for an iphone. I don’t know if it’s screen reader accessible. Does anyone know of a graphic calculator that can be opperated by voice, that’s software on a computer or smart phone and is screen reader accessible? I think that it might help me out in addition to the TI84 graphic calculator. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this E Mail! 
Blessed be!!! 
Kendra Schaber, 
 Chemeketa Community College, 
 350 Org, 
Citizen’s Climate Lobby,    
National Federation of the Blind of Oregon,  
Capitol Chapter, 
Salem, Oregon. 
 Home email: 
Redwing731 at gmail.com 
 Chemeketa Community College Email: 
 Kschaber at my.Chemeketa.edu  
"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear" Author Unknown. 
 Sent From My iPhone SE. 
 Sent from My Gmail Email. 
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