[BlindMath] TeX Hour tomorrow: Experiment, Explore, look 3 months fore and aft

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 28 15:19:43 UTC 2021


Tomorrow's TeX Hour is a bit special. It's the first devoted to Experiments
and Exploration. It's also the 20th TeX Hour, and so a time to celebrate,
look back and look forward.

Aside: For BlindMath and VI coders we'll have a special session on Thursday
13 May. The zoom URL is the same. More details later.

The meeting is Thursday 29 April, 6:30 to 7:30pm UK time. The time now in
the UK is at https://www.google.com/search?q=uk+time. The zoom link for the
meeting is

The TeX Hour has a monthly cycle for its topics.

First Thursday: Beginners
Second Thursday: Accessibility
Third Thursday: Conversion (eg LaTeX to PDF, LaTeX to HTML, markdown to
Fourth Thursday: Durable Documents (same outputs give same input across
space and time)
Fifth Thursday: Experiments and Exploration.

After tomorrow, the next E+E TeX Hour is Thursday 29 July, which is just
before the online TeX 2021 conference https://tug.org/tug2021/. At
tomorrow's TeX hour I'd like us to take a 3-month before and after view of
the TeX Hour, with an eye on presentations at the TeX conference. I'm also
looking to curate our growing library of video records.

As usual in TeX Hours, all are welcome. Looking forward, next month we
focus on Bibtex and reference management.

On Thursday 6 May we're pleased to welcome Patrick Daly, author of the
widely used natbib package. He'll give us the history of natbib, and answer
questions. The focus will be on the Beginner experience. We hope later in
the month to have a more technical reference management TeX Hour, either as
Conversion or Durable Documents.

Finally, the videos from last week are now available

1990s archives - arXiv.org, CTAN, CPAN, archive.org and CRAN:
Archives, security, LOCKSS, git as a distributed CAS:
Better bibliographies - a brainstorm: https://youtu.be/YrzDNT2CgsE
Bibtex and custom-bib: https://youtu.be/tqAZhMnppOo
Computing and errors, from 1820 to today: https://youtu.be/pZJjNnJGhwo
Introductions: https://youtu.be/c0DHMFnB0u8
Other citation managers, key-hash-value store: https://youtu.be/t9jExB070AQ
Small is also beautiful - TinyTeX and in-browser TeX:
Some jewels - TUGboat, bibnet, DOIs: https://youtu.be/5xxAYJ5xnXo
Thanks to Nelson Beebe, Sebastian Rahtz, George Greenwade and others:

with best regards


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