[humanser] Testing

JMassay jmassay1 at cox.net
Wed Jul 31 15:47:20 UTC 2013

Wow! While it really stinks that we can all commiserate, it is great to know
that my Federation brothers and sisters are willing to stand together to
fight this ridiculous practice. An attorney friend brought up the bar exam
suit and suggested that this be used as precedent in negotiating with the
CCE, who administers the NCE.

Thank you all for responding. I was seething  with anger after having
received the e-mail stating that I would only have the option of using a
scribe and reader that they would provide. It is ridiculous that an exam
that is in an electronic format for everyone else must be administered in
this manner for someone who is blind. I did offer to bring my own screen
reading program , as I own a JAWS dongle. There would be no expense for the
company at all. It is even more maddening due to the fact that the state of
Oklahoma has dinked around with me for months on my proof of disability and
in not knowing what the procedures were for requesting accommodations. 

Also, Charlie is retiring, as of August 2nd, I believe. He will definitely
still answer questions but we will need to speak to Meghan Sidhu , the
General Counsel for the NFB. 

Sorry about the long post. 

Lastly, I'm all in for collective action. I'll keep everyone posted on what
I find out. Please do the same. 

Love my Federation family! (and Hello my Two-bowl Brother!)



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