[humanser] FW: [Nfb-lions] New member intro and penpal magazine

Ericka Short ericka.short at wi.rr.com
Mon Feb 17 00:14:41 UTC 2014

Matilda Ziegler has suspended production until they decide to continue or 
end publishing.  I just received an email about this last week.  I was 
wondering why I wasn't getting Monday emails from them.  I'm very surprised 
and saddened to hear they are starting to think their  original purpose or 
mission is no longer needed in today's media crazed world. I think it is a 
great way to meet others and  convey world wide experiences not to mention a 
good start for aspiring blind authors.  We need to hear more blind voices, 
not less in today's world.  WE can't be truly taken seriously if we don't 
find our voice.  Perhaps the Ziegler will become the voice for all world 
blind to connect rather than vanish completely.

Ericka J. Short

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". Philippians 4:13

"No hand is too small or too big to do good in this world." EJ. Short 

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