[humanser] Congratulations & waiting

Janice Toothman janice.toothman at verizon.net
Tue Feb 24 00:20:46 UTC 2015

Hi Merry,
Congratulations on your career milestone!  I am studying for the 
National Counseling Examination, which I need to take in March because 
my eligibility letter expires in the end of March.  However, I have had 
numerous problems which have delayed the process.  At present, I am 
waiting to hear from National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC) . 
When I talked with NBCC about my accommodation request of JAWS and the 
use of my own keyboard/braille display and FM system, they told me that 
I would not be able to take it at the Applied Measurement Professionals 
(AMP) site but they would have to find a University willing to allow me 
to take the test.

I hope and pray that I do not have to repeat the entire application 
process and pay all the money due to the problems with the getting the 
accommodation letter.

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