[humanser] Exchanging Files

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Tue Sep 22 02:18:00 UTC 2015

Dear List:

There have been a number of messages here recently about people 
looking for copies of books, primarily the DSM5.  I know that 
locating materials can be a problem for those of us who are 
blind.  However, I think it is important that we do so legally, and I 
do not want to be put in the position of having nfbnet.org lists used 
to promote the pirating of books and other materials.

Just because you have an electronic book, you do not necessarily have 
the right to make copies and give them to others.  There may be a 
copywright notice in the book, or you may have received a notice when 
you joined a service like Bookshare, NLS, or Learning Ally.  Please 
abide by these licenses and/or agreements.

It is probably to ask for sources of materials, rather then copies.

If making copies is legal, then go ahead by all means, but I think we 
sometimes are getting into a grey, or even black area here.



         David Andrews and long white cane Harry.
E-Mail:  dandrews at visi.com or david.andrews at nfbnet.org

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