[humanser] Scripting for EMR

Quinto Sanchez sanchezq at prodigy.net
Fri Jul 1 15:55:14 UTC 2016

Hi list, 

I am curious for those of you who have had someone come in and write scripts to make EMR programs more accessible, how well did that work? Were you then able to use all aspects of the software or was it only the most essential features needed for your employment? Were you able to read history, case notes, assessments, appointment scheduling.... and were you able to not only read but insert information as needed? Thanks in advance.

Quinto Sanchez M.A., LPC      
Foundational Healing Counseling Services    
Therapeutic Counseling/life coaching via Online/phone
Phone: 210-245-2579     Fax: 1-(888) 496-5663  

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