[humanser] Help Needed

Nicole Yarmolkevich nicole.yarmolkevich at gmail.com
Sun Jan 22 16:57:26 UTC 2017

Hello Everyone,
My name is Nicole, and I am a second year graduate student getting my
masters in clinical and counseling psychology. I am the former
secretary of the Human Services devision. I decided to take a step
back when I started my program almost two years ago, and I have not
had much time for anything else but school. As part of the program, I
am required to complete a masters thesis. My thesis involves looking
at the well-being and autonomy in people with visual impairments.
I would grately appreciate it if you could take my survey. The survey
does not take longer than half an hour, and it is fully accessible on
laptops, iPads, and iPhones. Though, laptops and iPads might work more
smoothly. My survey has also been approved by the Illinois State
University Institutional Review Board.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at my
school email. It is: nyarmolilstu at gmail.com
Here is my survey link:

Thanks so much for your time!
Nicole and Flash

Nicole Yarmolkevich, MHP and Flash
Clinical and Counseling Psychology
Illinois State University 2017
Outpatient Therapy Program Intern, Heritage Behavioral Health Center

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