[humanser] Volunteer opportunity to work rwith kids at National Convention

Ronnie Bellomy ronnie.bellomy at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 24 19:57:01 UTC 2017

Greetings fellow human service federationsts

I hope this finds you all well.  I do not write on this listserve too much.  Here is a message from my fellow board member in the community service division.  I thought there might be some of you on this list who have a passion for serving kids in the human service capacity and might be interested in this opportunity at our National convention this year.  I have copied her, if you are interested.  

Ronnie Bellomy 

hello all,

At Convention this July, we will be partnering with NFB Camp for a fun and exciting Community Service project focusing on random acts of kindness. The children will be creating colorful signs or cards with positive words of encouragement. We will then be taking them out to the parking lot of the hotel, where they will place their cards on guests' cars to brighten their day. This project is intended to teach children who are blind that they can make an impact on others at a young age, and show community members that children who are blind can give to those around them. We are looking for volunteers who would enjoy helping children to create cards and help them distribute the cards in the parking lot. This event will be taking place on July 10th from 3 to 5 PM. If you would be interested in volunteering for this event, please email me at: taranabella0 at gmail.com
I am so excited to see the impact the children will be making, and look forward to having you join us!

Thank you for all you do,

Tara Abella
NFB Community Service Division Board Member

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