[humanser] Developmental Service Worker

Daniella Roccasalvo daniellaroccasalvo at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 13 21:11:48 UTC 2018

Hello All,
 I am not sure if this is the right mailing list for this question but I figured I would ask it,  If this is the wrong one, please let me know.
 I am currently taking the social service worker program at a Canadian college.  I don’t think the program is for me however as I can’t get into any counselling jobs with it. I am thinking of switching to the developmental service worker program,  I could work with individuals with developmental and physical disabilities. Are there any totally blind people who do this program? If so, how do you deal with potentially violent or behavioural clients?  If you have to physically care for the clients, how do you do that?  If you have no vision, how do you protect yourself.  Also do you think as a blind person it would be hard to find a job working with those with disabilities because of liability with companies?
 Thank you all for reading and responding to this email.

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