[Journalists] moving past mid-career vision loss

Elizabeth Sammons antigone at columbus.rr.com
Sat Mar 9 15:16:44 UTC 2013


 The fact that as a blind or visually impaired person, you are already
messaging with an eye pad and have of course lost  nothing of your style
speaks volumes to some of us reading your recent post. While I do not
disclose to a sight-unseen potential employer that I am blind, it is not
something that can go unnoted during an interview. An up-front answer such
as your explanation to us that you needed to interrupt your career briefly
to adjust to the major life change you are going through should refresh what
you label stale articles in the eyes of many prospective employers.
Personally, I keep a blog (it is at windowsofthought.wordpress.com ) and
while it is a literary blog rather than a journalism blog or column,
blogging might be one technique that you could use to show that you are
keeping up on events, etc..

Good luck with this, and keep the faith.

Elizabeth in Ohio

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