[Journalists] greetings following Convention

Elizabeth Campbell batescampbell at gmail.com
Sun Aug 2 20:39:41 UTC 2015

Hello everyone,


My apologies as I meant to get this note out to you sooner, but I've been
battling a sinus infection since returning from Orlando, but I am definitely
on the mend now!

I wanted to thank those of you who came to our get-together at the Rosen
Centre. My apologies that the conditions weren't ideal for a lot of indepth
conversation, but that will change when we have our 2016 convention.

Stay tuned for more details about our plans.

Please pass along your ideas for topics to discuss in a more extended
session where we can better focus on our concerns. I felt that people are
definitely interested in holding get-togethers.


One of the things that we discussed was how to reach more blind people. We
will not do away with this email list by any means, but there was a
suggestion to create a Facebook group as opposed to a blog because a
Facebook group is easier to manage, and so forth.


Before we move forward with creating the group, I want to find out how many
of you are on Facebook? I am, and I know others on list are also Facebook

Also, I need someone to volunteer to create and manage the group.


Please contact me if interested.


Thanks again all, and let's keep the discussions moving forward.


Best regards



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