[nabs-l] H.B. 2834: Closing the Door on the Future of Blind Children

T. Joseph Carter carter.tjoseph at gmail.com
Tue May 26 06:30:34 UTC 2009

State sovereignty.  They don't have to have the school if they can 
provide the services.  Of course, the services are inadequate 
already, and they've just been cut even further.

This is a land grab.  There is a back-room deal brewing here between 
special interests and lawmakers.  We can't seem to get the spotlight 
to stay on these people long enough to make them accountable.


On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 09:59:15PM -0600, clinton waterbury wrote:
> Wow...  How can they do this in the name of money?  It seems like the  
> future of the blind already rests in the hands of rehab councelers in  
> some cases, and this bill would open up the door for the future of the  
> blind in general, only it would be in the hands of the legeslature.  If I 
> were one of the students or parents of the students at the Origon school 
> for the blind I would be highly ticked off at the whole thing, and would 
> take to the federal level, and there would be a hell of a fight.

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