[nabs-l] drastic change for video games

Josh jkenn337 at gmail.com
Fri May 28 13:49:34 UTC 2010


As I said before, first we gotta change the law. second, decide on a 
standard for audio game programming. third, make a good solid game 
company, made of multiple people, assigned their own task or tasks to 
make game creation more effective. perhaps collaborate through skype and 
dropbox. next change the law so games in a specialised format for people 
with disabilities may include sounds story lines plots music and 
characters from video games as longg as the game is in a specialised 
format for people who are blind visually impaired or similar disability 
that prevents them from playing that brand new accessible video game 
now, when the company has enough money, the company should save some. 
now use that money to develop your own game console, or take a standard 
console, re-flash and modify it for accessibility by disabled people. 
now go to game conventions and show off your new game console. 
eventually my brother and sister's generation, and even my generation 
will get old, lose eye-sight, and won't be able to play their favorite 
video games. so lets make a kind of national library or international 
library service nls for video games in specialised format. Sorry guys 
I'm not a programmer, just putting out ideas. now to make a great game, 
lets compare it to a book. a sighted person can go out and read a harry 
potter book, get it in print, I can sit down beside that person with my 
audio book or braille book from nls and read it, talk about and enjoy it 
along with my sighted friend. so lets incorporate that into games. 
first, lets put games on instead lets put them on blueray disks, lots of 
space, or maybe 32gig flash drives, read only flash memory. lots of room 
there to store data. when a blind person wants to play a game with his 
or her sighted friend, the person plugs headphones in, the game turns on 
accessibility mode when the console detects headphones plugged in. Point 
is we can't have one guy here and another there trying to do it on their 
own. a company, an organised company has to be started with both short 
and longterm goals. laws gotta be changed so we can make and sell good 
high quality games, we gotta take our games to the conventions and 
really mount a presence there. weneed the nfb and ACB both involved in 
this. who cares if you like them or hate them point is they're a big big 
organizations and they can help!
but will they?
now if blind people can help design accessible games, game consoles, and 
the like, working for soni or EA-games that'd be great! for too long 
here is how we made games. on guy starts a game company, uses visual 
basic, another starts his own company uses a different language and 
another and another. most of these die very fast because its usually too 
much work for one guy to make a really good game or he doesn't have the 
skills. we gotta organise, and either push game companiess to include 
accessibility, or organise and make one or two big game companies, have 
a standard, assign tasks, make our own or modify existing game consoles 
for accessibility. not only will it be enjoyable for the player but 
it'll make new jobs available, and let the sighted community know by our 
presence at gaming conventions that we want to be included in the video 
game fun as well.


Josh Kennedy jkenn337 at gmail.com

Josh Kennedy jkenn337 at gmail.com

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