[nabs-l] NABS Announces First Conference Call for Parents of Blind Children!

Arielle Silverman nabs.president at gmail.com
Tue Oct 12 03:35:25 UTC 2010

Attention All Parents!

Not sure about how your blind child is going to tackle classes such as
Biology or Physics? Ever been curious about what majors and
specialization blind individuals have had in the past? Do you believe
that careers and learning about fields such as Science, Technology,
Engineering and Math- (STEM), are “too difficult” or “dangerous” for
your blind child? Do alternative techniques a blind person may use in
such fields just baffle you?

If any of the above apply to you-

Please attend the Membership phone call, presented by the Membership
Committee of the National Association of Blind Students. We are going
to cover concerns, techniques, and general information about how blind
students can participate on equal terms with their sighted peers,
especially in STEM fields.

Date: Sunday, October 17, 2010

When: 6:00 pm EST

Where: NABS conference line- (712)775-7100 Code: 257963#.

Why: TO learn and network with other parents of blind children and
blind students who have experiences navigating through the STEM fields
for the blind.

Our special guest speaker, Arielle Silverman earned her Bachelor’s
degree from Arizona State University in Biology. She will offer a very
distinct perspective on how to navigate through what can be perceived
as the very turbulent waters of STEM. Different opportunity,
techniques, strategies and concepts will be discussed during the call.
We look forward to talking with you!

Kindest Regards,

Membership Committee

National Association of Blind Students

Arielle Silverman
President, National Association of Blind Students
Phone:  602-502-2255
nabs.president at gmail.com

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