[nabs-l] Sad news from my DSO and new question

Bridgit Pollpeter bpollpeter at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 29 19:59:09 UTC 2011


I completely agree with your statement.  It would be nice to move on
from this thread especially since it seems as though Joshua and Peter
have amicably resolved this situation, and it looks like Joshua has good
avenues to pursue in efforts to get his necessary school material.

So, that being said, question to anyone using and/or studying UNIX have
a friend taking a computer science class, and they have to access UNIX
through a terminal service windows.  They're connecting  to UNIX from
their PC, and they are a JAWS user.  The question is two-fold:  Does, or
has, anyone used a screenreading software specific to UNIX (I can't
remember the name) and if so, how helpful is it?  And if a person is
using JAWS and a Braille display, is it still worth spending money to
have the software specific to UNIX?

Thus far, they are using JAWS (they have to use the JAWS cursor) in
combination with a Braille display to use UNIX.  They are curious about
how much more helpful a specific screenreader would be.  Obviously they
don't want to spend money that's not necessary if their current way of
accessing the program works, but they also want to be as successful and
proficient with it as possible.


Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter
Read my blog for Live Well Nebraska.com at

Message: 27
Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2011 16:41:36 -0400
From: David Dodge <daviddod at buffalo.edu>
To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
	<nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
Subject: Re: [nabs-l] Sad news, from my DSO
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We are free to say whatever we'd like and thank goodness for that. I
just sometimes think we should think about what we say a little more
often. No one has to agree with me.


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