[nabs-l] Using BlackBoard

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Thu Dec 22 23:25:12 UTC 2011

There has been some discussion of BlackBoard here, and the possible 
need to move from Vista to Windows 7.  First let me say that for the 
most part, the operating system shouldn't matter, unless it doesn't 
support a browser and version of that browser you want to run.

Different people are saying that this works for me, or this doesn't 
etc.  I am sure that this is true.  However, I would caution anybody 
on making sweeping generalizations or conclusions on partial information.

There are various versions of Black Board out there, some more 
accessible than others.  Accessibility may also depend on how it is 
set up, how it is configured, and what specific features are being 
used.  Further the browser employed to access it, version of that 
browser, screen reader, and version of that screen reader may all matter.

This stuff is complicated and there are lots of variables.  In 
general it is generally best to run a recent version of a widely used 
browser, Internet explorer or Firefox for example, which also means 
running a relatively recent screen reader.  New technologies are used 
on the web, and in applications all the time, and more recent 
assistive technology generally handles them better.

Many sites have started phasing out Internet Explorer 6 support, so 
if you are still running it, it is probably time to think seriously 
about updating.

David Andrews


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