[nabs-l] Invittation to participate in sex study

Bridgit Pollpeter bpollpeter at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 2 22:14:58 UTC 2011

I, respectively, fail to see how this is not an issue appropriate for
NABS.  It was posted on the NABS list, and it is issued to students for

NABS, being a Federation group and email list, has every right to
discuss issues, causes and concerns that relate to blindness.  I feel
placing the notice to begin with was not exactly appropriate for NABS,
but I do not think anyone should be concerned about expressing their
ideas and opinions.

If we follow the argument that this dialogue is wrong for this list,
then I think we should no longer post emails about items for sale, or
information that does not directly relate to student life.

Topics such as this can develop a dialogue that can, and will, lead to a
better understanding of our views on blindness-- both on a personal
level and a collective level.

Bridgit Pollpeter

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