[nabs-l] socializing tips in crowds and meetings

Ashley Bramlett bookwormahb at earthlink.net
Thu Oct 13 23:40:08 UTC 2011

Hi all,

I’ve not been the best at finding people and integrating into a crowd or going to a structured event and feeling comfortable. Once I know people, I’m okay. But breaking the ice is hard. I’m a cane user and I’ll find a spot to sit but may not know who is around.

What are tips for getting to know people and finding who is there? I cannot see familiar faces. If its totally new, I don’t recognize voices. Do you just say something to a nearby person “hi, how are you? I am {your name} and its good to be here.”
How do you deal with slides you cannot see? Do you contact them ahead of time for an alternative format?

When I say structured activity, I mean something where people sit down in a room to hear a speaker, have small group discussions, or see an event.
Some examples:
1. any club activity on campus
2. a religious activity such as bible study
3. a meeting in the community of similar interest people such as a writing club or toastmasters group.
4. a conference

When you have a general crowd, its even harder to know what is happening or find people. Examples are at a game or pep rally or reception.

I’m planning to join some groups soon such as a writer’s club and perhaps a bible study. I might join toastmasters because I like speaking and want to polish my speaking skills. And I’m heading to homecoming too. So I got to wondering tips and how others feel. 

Sometimes I don’t feel included. People might say Ashley, I’ll help you get some food and then proceed to describe it and serve me at the counter. But then after I’m seated they wander off. 


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