[nabs-l] problems for a blind friend in New York

Beth thebluesisloose at gmail.com
Fri Apr 13 04:26:26 UTC 2012

Hi, all.
A blind friend of mine in a small New York town needs NFB training because let's just say that the NY Commission for the Blind is giving him hell.  This young man is 20 years old and wants to work at a radio station, but his parents are trying to stop him.  He's complained multiple times about not getting from the Commission what he wants.  I recommended the Denver program, CCB to be exact, and then I gave him Julie's email address so he could hook up with her and get the ball rolling.  But I see problems in getting the NY Commission to pay for the trainng.  Who should he contact?  The NY NFB president?  The local chapter president?  Who are these people?  I would like to forward this info to my friend so he can get started.  Also, any New Yorkers out there are welcome to tell me about the commission's policies and how to get free choice from them.
This is a similar situation that I've ben in before.

Sent from my iPod

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