[nabs-l] google docs

Ashley Bramlett bookwormahb at earthlink.net
Mon Mar 26 18:07:18 UTC 2012

Hi all,

Well, I have a hybrid class for english; that means half online work and half in class meetings.
What exactly is google docs and how does it work?
Do you attach documents to it or something?

I realize it is inaccessible to us. How do you get around that? Do you write assignments in word and/or email?
I ask because I encountered google docs in our online class when we were supposed to comment on introductions for articles.
Obviously, I couldn’t read the comments. Jaws only read names of classmates, not text.
So I’ll have to have  a sighted reader and hand in my comments on paper.

And most importantly, has either consumer advocacy group done anything about this lack of accessibility? I fail to see how blind students take online classes with so much inaccesssibility.
PDFS, flash based content, multi media presentations and um now google docs are just a few accessibility challenges in the online class experience.


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