[nabs-l] Checking boxes in word documents

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Sat Nov 3 20:46:41 UTC 2012

Well, it probably depends on how they create it.  I would try 
switching to JAWS cursor and see if you can move it into the box, 
then route PC to JAWS, read current word to see where it is, it may 
check it, or you may need to press space bar, or it may not work at all.

These things tend to take experimentation.  After routing you might 
need to double click mouse instead.


At 03:44 PM 10/31/2012, you wrote:
>When I encounter documents that require a check mark, I usually put an
>x in the places I want to check. However I have noticed that many
>documents now have check boxes imbedded into them, and I am guessing
>that a sighted person would click inside these boxes if they want to
>check them.
>I am a JAWS user, and I have encountered difficulty doing this. If the
>document isn't super important, then I just delete the check boxes and
>x the choice I want to check. But when documents are important, what
>is the best way to go about this?
>Cindy Bennett
>B.A. Psychology, UNC Wilmington
>clb5590 at gmail.com

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