[nabs-l] Moving Charts In Excel 2010

Misty Dawn Bradley mistydbradley at gmail.com
Wed Oct 3 01:29:45 UTC 2012

Hi all, 
I am currently taking a college course on Microsoft Office 2010, and I am on the unit about Excel. In the assignment, we were required to insert a chart, which I did, but I am supposed to reposition the chart to where the left upper corner of it lines up with Cell A17 in the Excel worksheet. 
I would like to know if there is any way to do this with JAWS 12? I tried searching the ribbons and tool bars with the chart selected, but I could not find an option to do this, and the textbook says that you have to drag the chart with the mouse, which is not doable with JAWS. 
Is there a way to do this that any of you know of? 

Thank you in advance, 

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