[nabs-l] A weird question that came up for me recently.

John Moore coasterfreak88 at me.com
Sat Feb 16 20:29:14 UTC 2013

I do not know if I hsould take this as an insult or as advice, because I've heard two different things. I'm in an Intro to Fitness class that is required for my degree and the professor happens to volunteer for the Special Olympics. I have heard all my life that we cannot be in the Special Olympics, as that is apparently for people with intellectual disabilities. However, he told me that it is not just for people with said disabilities, even when I told him about the Paralympics. He said he would try to helo me start participating in Special Olympics events. I'm ont sure if I should feel insulted or not; if it turns out that people who have physical disabilities can participate in certain events, I'd start doing it. But I don't know what to think becasue he told me that all the disabilities were physical ones. It is weird, I know. What do you all think?

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