[nabs-l] nabs is looking for a twitter chair.

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Mon Feb 25 15:49:40 UTC 2013

Hello all,
  The national Association of Blind Students is looking for a dedicated and diligent individual to serve as chair of our twitter  presence.
  This person  will be   responsible for posting information relevant to blind  students, as well as keeping followers apprised of events in the national Association of blind students as well as   the national federation     of the Blind. 
 This person  will also be   charged with moderating  twitter   chats and may be asked to represent the National Association of blind Students on other twitter chats hosted by the national Federation of the Blind  or outside organizations as needed and appropriate.
 A successful person in this role should be very  familiar  with twitter language such  as hash tags, rettweets, etc.
 Should be very familiar with twitter prior to taking on this role, and willing to operate  in a professional  and appropriate manner while using the Nabs twitter.
 Should also be willing to work independently and be creative. 
 should be familiar  with the work of the national Federation of the Blind and national association of  Blind  Students. This person will be the voice of the National Association of Blind Students on its twitter feed, and will operate as a part of the membership    committee, which helps to disseminate		 information  regarding confrence calls, and other announcements  from various nabs committees  and other information  as appropriate.
   This job is a very important one  that will get support  from and reports directly to the membership chair, but will also interact  with the Division president and members of the board  of directors as well.

 if interested, please contact membership committee chair , Darian Smith  at  directly at dsmithnfb at gmail.com.  
 Note: all considerations  for this position must  be received absolutely  no later  than Friday, March 1.   at  5 p.m. Pacific Time.
 Thank you so much for your interest in improving the possibilities  for blind students  all over our great nation! 
  and remember, should you like to help  the membership committee , or any other committee in nabs, please feel free to go to www.nabslink.org, click on contact us, and find the board member assigned  to the committee you want to be a part of.  If  you aren't finding something there  that  fits what you want to do, contact any of us and we'll be happy  to see what we can do to make something happen for you!
  Warmest regards,

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