[nabs-l] number pertaining to braille paper

Annis, Tara annis1 at live.marshall.edu
Thu Aug 3 23:50:44 UTC 2017


Does anyone know what the different numbers pertaining to braille embossing paper mean?  For example, the ViewPlus EmBraille I'm using requires around a #60, but I was not sure  how important this was when purchasing.  Yet, I wanted to find the least expensive paper, which was not from ViewPlus, but it is around #90. So, my question: is this a big difference?  Does the larger the number mean the thicker the paper or vice versa?


Tara Annis
Phone: (304) 942-1119
E-mail: annis1 at live.marshall.edu<mailto:annis1 at live.marshall.edu>
Second E-mail: tannisdanielle at gmail.com<mailto:tannisdanielle at gmail.com>

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