[NABS-L] Math in high school

Himanshu Neema hn.nopbc at gmail.com
Mon Feb 26 14:30:39 UTC 2018

Dear All,

I have a very bright daughter, Sanya Neema, who has always gone to regular public school and is in eighth grade at the moment. She is academically bright and Math is her favorite subject. She is good in Math. But, this year in eighth grade she is having trouble following the pace of her Math classroom teacher. I don’t know how much of it has to do with the use of visuals like blackboard and PowerPoint in the classroom that is causing this. As a result, she goes to vision teacher in her extra flex time-period to go over the concepts that were taught in the class. Anyhow, the question I have is that the school has recommended her to take Algebra 1 part A in the 9th grade and part B in 10th grade and then take Algebra 2 in 2 parts in 11th and 12th grades respectively. Her regular peers will be getting Algebra 1 and 2 in 9th and 10th grades respectively and Geometry 1 and 2 in 11th and 12th grades respectively. As such, she will only get Algebra in her high school and miss out on Geometry. I’m wondering if this is okay or should we insist on her getting the full Math curriculum for her. In some ways, I believe she is capable of doing it given the right instruction and time. However, I’m a bit skeptical on whether that will be the case in high school. I’m an engineer and I can and do always work with her, but certainly it is better if that doesn’t become necessary. Please let me know your thoughts and feel free to ask if you have any questions. Thanks for your time.

Best regards,

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