[NABS-L] September Discussion Starter

johnawright98 at gmail.com johnawright98 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 5 03:57:54 UTC 2018

Hey, NABSters! 

I’m Johna, the face behind the social media profiles for NABS. First, I just wanted to let you all know that you’re awesome and you can conquer whatever the fall semester throws at you! Second, I thought I would start a discussion series on the ListServ, as well as social media, in order to get more of our membership involved and talking with each other. So, I’m proposing the following question: 

Have you ever encountered an access barrier with extracurricular/club/social activities at your school/university? If so, how did you overcome this barrier? 

Hopefully this discussion gives some of you guys ideas for how to address your owns personal obstacles. I look forward to reading your responses! 


Johna Wright
Vice President, National Federation of the Blind Community Service Division 
Social Media Chair, National Association of Blind Students

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