[NABS-L] September NABS Notes, Available Now!!

Mausam Mehta mausam.mehta.nfb at gmail.com
Tue Oct 8 23:47:17 UTC 2019

Hey hey students,
Here we are as the weather finally gets cooler, and we pull our sweaters and boots out of our closets. Curl up with a pumpkin spice latte, if that's your style, and read our September edition of the NABS notes. Keep an eye out for a little surprise ... I won't say anymore!
You can access the notes at the link below, and in the attached word document.
Happy reading!

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Mausam Mehta
Chair | Communications Committee
Secretary | National Association of blind students
A proud division of the National Federation of the blind
mausam.mehta.nfb at gmail.com

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