[NABS-L] Call for Speakers for A Zoom Conference on How Students Can Do Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

Louis Maher ljmaher03 at outlook.com
Wed Oct 21 16:15:04 UTC 2020

Call for Speakers for A Zoom Conference on How Students Can Do Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

The Science and Engineering Division of the National Federation of the Blind and the National Association of Blind Students will present a joint Zoom conference on how blind professionals, and blind college and graduate students are succeeding in courses to do with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.  The Zoom conference link will be the standard NABS Zoom link shown at the bottom of this message. The call will occur at 9 PM EST through 10 PM EST on Sunday, February 28, 2020.

Topics will be of interest for blind students in middle school, high school, college and graduate school and professionals. Parents of blind school-aged children and educators are also welcome.  Some portion of the presentation will address how to succeed in a laboratory setting.

If you are interested in giving an approximately ten-minute STEM-related talk, please contact Louis Maher (713-444-7838, ljmaher03 at outlook.com<mailto:ljmaher03 at outlook.com>) with your topic.

Thank you.
Join Zoom Meeting:
February 28, 2021, 9 PM EST


Meeting ID: 467 883 3687
One Tap Mobile:

Louis Maher
Phone: 713-444-7838
E-mail ljmaher03 at outlook.com<mailto:ljmaher03 at outlook.com>

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