[NABS-L] Virtual Astronomy Camp for 8-12th Grade Students

Caroline Karbowski carolineshouse at fuse.net
Thu Sep 10 19:26:04 UTC 2020

Hello Everyone,
My name is Caroline, and learned about NABS at the 2018 National Convention. I’m a 3rd-year biology and chemistry student at Ohio State and I want to do science accessibility. I’m not blind, but I read braille tactically since I wanted to read books in the car without getting dizzy. I love braille, and I’m currently working on my braille transcription certification! I also run a 3D printing for the blind nonprofit called See3D, and we are printing models for this astronomy camp, so wanted to pass the info along!
Are you interested in outer space? Do you want to become involved in astronomy research? Do you want to learn about college life from a university mentor? Are you excited about the prospect of learning from space scientists?
Then join The Ohio State University (OSU) / Ohio State School for the Blind (OSSB) Space Science Mentorship Program!
This new completely virtual after-school program welcomes blind and visually impaired students (grade 8-12) from all across the US to participate! Students will be paired with an OSU mentor studying Space Science and will get to learn about and contribute to scientific research! Students will also receive a free 3D printed constellation dome and black hole model!
THE DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION IS SEPTEMBER 14. Please note that parental supervision is required for all meetings, which will take place on Zoom from 4-5pm ET every Tuesday. The program will be from September 15 to December 15, 2020.

Link to register as a BVI student: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07eh96qt5u060230f4&llr=agn49dabb

For any questions reach out to Program Coordinator, Anna Voelker (they/them) atvoelker.30 at osu.edu.
Thank you!
Caroline Karbowski (she/her)
The Ohio State University
Majors: Biology and Chemistry | Minor: Education
CEO: See3D – 3D Printing for the Blind
Carolineshosue at fuse.net

Thank you,
Caroline Karbowski

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