[nagdu] Weather in Morristown

Tracy Carcione carcione at access.net
Wed Apr 1 18:08:22 UTC 2009

I think others have covered it pretty well.  It's very mixed.  It'll
probably rain.  On the other hand, it's unlikely to snow at the end of
April, and it won't get real hot or real cold.  Probably 40's at night,
and anything from 50 to 75 in the day.  Nice, for Jersey.  Let's face it. 
If you want lovely weather most of the time, you've got to go to San
Rafael.  Jersey is either freezing cold, or boiling hot and humid, with a
couple months in between that are mixed.  And precipitation could happen
any time.  Mind you, I really like living in Jersey, and I like the
weather better than the weather in Montana or Minnesota, but I often feel
sorry for guys in class who have to be out in it no matter what.
I'll be putting in my garden starting mid-April, so I'm betting on decent
weather that won't clobber my seedlings.  It's a bet I haven't lost yet,
knock wood.

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