[nagdu] PETA opposes the use of guide dogs

Angie Matney leadinglabbie at mpmail.net
Mon Jan 12 03:54:41 UTC 2009

Here's what I wrote. Who knows it it will actually appear on the site.

I am amazed at PETA's willful blindness concerning the situations in which guide dogs live and work. Despite repeated information to the contrary, supplied by people who do actually live and work with guide dogs, PETA officers continue to 
promulgate the misconceptions that guides have no life outside of the harness, until they are discarded by their blind guardians once their working days are through. Even a minimal amount of semi-competent investigation would inevitably yield the 
conclusion that PETA's remarks are patently false. I share my home and my life with two guides--one working, one retired. Both are happy and healthy. My working guide spends at least as much time chasing her kong as she does in harness. She 
and my retired guide play together, and they have other dog-friends as well. If you want to object to the fact that most guide-dog training programs breed most of the dogs they use, I can respect that. But the rest of it...it's getting old.

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