[nagdu] bad to worse

AnnaLisa Anderson annalisa at sector14.net
Mon Oct 26 04:48:05 UTC 2009

Hi Lora,

Wow, I'm so sorry this is happening.  I'm glad you will be getting a trainer
out soon though and that they will be able to pin down what's going on.  I
would definitely go to Judy Campbell or Phil Griffin with this, or even Greg
Doborsky (spelling) if this doesn't help this time and tell them personally
about what's been going on.  I'm just so sorry that you've had two dogs in a
row with such problems.  I'm glad you've figured out the Milkbone problem
though, that's at least one less thing to worry about.  I wonder too if he
isn't working well because he's not feeling well.  Maybe the few days off
will tell the tale.  If he gets better, then you know it may be stress
related.  If not, then there's something else going on.  I sure hope you can
figure this out and keep working with Trice.

AnnaLisa and Sundance

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