[nagdu] Alumni councel with GDF

cheryl echevarria cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 14 09:47:06 UTC 2010

GDF also seems to have an Alumni Council which I did not know about, thank 
god I was on the conference call and they were talking about taking our dogs 
to convention, and it seemed that there were only GDUI people on the list, I 
couldn't swear to it, since we were muted and that is why I was e-mailing 
Karen Greis during the conference call since she had her e-mail opened to 

Issues were brought up about conventions people kept saying we cannot speak 
for the NFB but the ACB from the Alumni council that the relief areas as 
convention are clean and sterilized so that other dogs don't get sick.  I 
felt we were not represented and that they kept says well we can't speak of 
the NFB Conventions but the ACB is yadda yadda yadda

Cheryl Echevarria
Independent Travel Consultant


Reservations at echevarriatravel.com
Affiliated as an Independent Contractor with Montrose Travel CST-1018299-10 

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