[nagdu] wish me luck

Dan Sweeney daniel.sweeney1 at comcast.net
Thu Aug 26 14:35:53 UTC 2010

To all my friends on the list - and I do consider all of you friends,


I am going to the mountains today. There is a park I have never been to
about an hour from Denver. A friend is taking me this morning, and I will
take Scout to see how he will handle the wilderness and the trails. I am
starting off with complete confidence <right>, but it will be another first.
Wouldn't it be great if he was a great trail dog. I won't hold him to
perfection, but I hope he does ok.

Thanks to all for all your positive support, you have no idea how much it
means to me.

I missed the Good Morning America episode, so if anyone has a link to the
interview, could you post it again, I would like to hear it.


Daniel and Scout.

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