[nagdu] another reason for having your own harness

Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC) REBECCA.PICKRELL at tasc.com
Tue Aug 31 17:00:11 UTC 2010

Julie and list, 
Maybe people don't speak of negative experiences because the list rules
say "no school bashing" Or maybe they don't, and I'm thinking of
something else. Anyway, people tend to think "negative experience equals
school bashing" just as "positive dicipline" equals "permissive". 
I wonder how people would respond if they posted anonmyously?

-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Julie J
Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2010 8:55 AM
To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Subject: Re: [nagdu] another reason for having your own harness


Very well said.  I think generally people do remember that this is a
list and that is why it is rare for posts like Rox's.  There is a
fear of speaking of a negative experience that identifies a particular 
school because there will be repercussions real or imagined.  If there
no fear why wouldn't people speak up and just say I didn't have such a
experience at program X?

We do this with everything else.  I refuse to eat at Country Kitchen
I had a bad experience there.  I'm not afraid to say it out loud because
know that absolutely nothing will come of it.  Now if I depended on
Kitchen for my next meal, I might not be so free with my commentary.Or
if I 
knew that the Country Kitchen employees were going to go tell every
restaurant so that I would never be able to eat out again, well that
be very bad.  I think I'd probably keep my mouth shut in that case too. 
Sure I can cook at home, but I like to keep my options open you know? 

I do find it very, very interesting that only 1% of graduates from GDB
for ownership.  I was told this by GDB personnel directly.

Just some morning ponderings,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Stepper" <stepper12 at cableone.net>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users" 
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2010 10:11 PM
Subject: [nagdu] another reason for having your own harness

> Hello listers.
> I haven't been on here a while.
> However this subject really struck me deep inside.
> When we write on this list serve or any other, these comments are 
> available to any and all people or schools that care to read now or
> in the archives, and I think we forget that. I know I sure do.
> But given that I still would like to say the following about how I
> about most services for blind people and
> At the guide dog schools for the most part and state services for the 
> blind it seems to me its like two languages are being spoken at the
> time.
> One language is telling us you really one of us, and the sub language 
> which is louder is, not really, but to stay in business we have to
> your equal.
> I am not saying every school and every state services speak these two 
> languages at once, however in my life experience most do.
> I am finding out that the longer I am around the more it hurts. So I
> and stay clear if I can.
> When I stop and think about it, there is no other animal training 
> schooling anywhere I have heard of that says after you and your animal

> have completed training you can't have ownership for a year or two, or

> never.
> Can you imagine, if this was any other physical disability group?
> Unheard of, I believe.
> But we don't as a group for the most part have the money or the drive
> attempt owner training, so we suck up, and take the deal, even though 
> inside it kills us.
> Knowing that there are a couple of schools that transfer ownership at
> of trading as its been said already, speak volumes. These are not two 
> language schools.
> Stepper
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