[nagdu] New city TLC cab policy blind to needs of disabled

Meghan Whalen mewhalen at gmail.com
Mon Dec 6 05:25:13 UTC 2010

I think we all need to realize that each person has his or her own 
definition of independence, and just because we do or don't set a higher 
standard for ourselves does not mean someone else is doing something wrong. 
The judgmental nature of an unfortunate amount of people in the blindness 
community and unfortunately especially in this organization is very 
disheartening.  As others have said, it is unfare to assume what this man 
could or should have done.  Maybe a year ago, he was not comfortable taking 
the boat himself, and now he is doing it, and that is progress.  I am 
growing very exhausted with the extreme level of judgmental tendencies as of 
late, and am beginning to feel smothered by an organization that is supposed 
to be one in which people support and encourage one and other. 

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