[nagdu] Explaining to parents that guide dogs are useful

Julie J julielj at windstream.net
Sat Feb 13 14:33:14 UTC 2010

In regard to care of a pet vs a guide...

Yes and no.  A pet dog and a guide dog shed, eat and poop just the same. LOL 
But it's the rules and expectations that are different.

When you first get a guide dog you can expect:
it won't get on furniture or the bed
it will relieve on leash at specific times throughout the day
you will pick up after the dog relieves
daily obedience practice sessions
food and perhaps water given in measured amounts at specific times
daily grooming
daily workouts in harness
additional exercise
impeccable manners

As you mesh as a team and figure out what works for you and your guide some 
of these routines may be modified to fit your situation.   For me I think 
manners is the most important thing.  It makes no difference if the pet dog 
sniffs crotches of visitors to your home, except to the visitor LOL!  But 
you really don't want your guide dog sniffing inappropriately even in your 
home, out of harness.  It is the many small things like that that are the 


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