[nagdu] Some one stole my cane !

Tami Kinney tamara.8024 at comcast.net
Sat Dec 17 00:36:27 UTC 2011


Oh, that is a total nightmare! And I agree. Who would *possibly* decide 
to steal the white cane off of a blind person? What is *wrong* with 
people like that!

Okay, I did once have a cane walk off and leave me stranded... It was at 
the dog park in our old neighborhood, and I had leaned it against a tree 
to work on balance and physical therapy while walking and playing with 
my then poodle pup... There were some softball games going on there, 
too, with kids, so I decided to make myself feel better by telling 
myself it was probably a kid who just thought it was a light saver... 
/lol/ Still, it had information where to return it and all, and you 
would think this mystery kid had a mother... Sigh. As I recall, they 
took Mitzi's leash, too, which was a real bummer, since in my mind there 
was no way she was up to getting home alive off leash... And she was 
still too short for me to navigate or anything while holding onto her 

Well, Mitzi goober was perfect all the way home and even assisted me in 
navigating a bit, since I had to super pay attention to 
time/distance/place on the sidewalk, etc. She was perfect...

Silly poodle! As soon as we went out again with proper navigational and 
safety gear, she was the horrid monster I had already come to love. /lol/

I wonder... Do you know what would happen if you reported the theft to 
the police there? Does anyone know what happens if you do that? 
Inquiring minds and all.

Hang in there, Mardi, and a new cane to you *soon*. Thank you for sharing.


On 12/16/2011 12:59 AM, Mardi Hadfield wrote:
> Hi every one, Mardi here. I went Christmas shopping the other day and some
> one stole my white cane.I keep it in a leather holster type of pouch
> attached to my wheelchair when I am not using it. It is quite snug fitting
> so it is impossible for it to have fallen out.When I left the store and
> headed to the bus station,I reached for it so I could get into the
> wheelchair bay when I got on the bus. It was not their! I had it when I got
> off the bus so it disappeared somewhere between the bus station and the
> store.The only time I use it when I have my dog with me is getting on or
> off the bus.This is the second time someone has stolen a cane from me. This
> is extremely annoying as I can not afford to buy another one until next
> month.I have an old broken one and a very long NFB cane as a back up. Today
> when I went out to pay a bill,I had to use the very Long NFB cane as I did
> not take the dog with me in Carla's car.This cane would be fine if I were
> walking but is way to long for use with a wheelchair.It also has a mettle
> tip which gets caught in every crevice and pokes me in the face.I don't
> know why someone would want to steal a blind person's cane??????? Fake
> service dogs, now fake blind people? What is happening to this world.
> Mardi and Shaman

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