[nagdu] beginning to use a cane

Criminal Justice Major orleans24 at comcast.net
Fri Dec 30 09:14:07 UTC 2011

my advice here for everyone is to take what they like and leave the rest.
I've dealt with plenty of people who make it seem like I'm not blind, more 
because of my echo location hearing and make it seem that blindness is a 
I figure that either I can go on with my life to not make myself look like 
some kind of charity case or just stay at home to throw the self-pity 
parties and feel sorry for myself.
I now also have a seizure disorder to contend with on top of the blindness, 
austtio perosus, and chronic severe asthma, but that doesn't stop me right 
there and then.
Yes, I'll probably more likely end up with using a power chair especially 
after experiencing a seizure that will leave me paralyzed for a few days.
Still, that doesn't cut me down nor will it happen.
For those who want to behave in a negative manner, I figure that's their 
choice and problem.
Just my thoughts on this one.
Bibi and Odie
the happy spirited bounty labra wolf 

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