[nagdu] all day in an office

Julie J julielj at neb.rr.com
Tue Jan 25 22:58:51 UTC 2011

Hello all!

There is a possibility that my work schedule and responsibilities will be changing soon.  right now I work half time, including meetings and classes at various locations.  I could end up working full time, although I'd like to stay under 30 hours.  Anyway, the new arrangement would be almost exclusively in my office, meeting with clients of assorted colorful backgrounds.  

Monty usually sleeps under my desk on his rug.  I don't anticipate that clients will bother him there.  If they do I can easily relocate Monty out of their reach.  I was also thinking that I could go for a short walk on my breaks and possibly go home for lunch or perhaps a walk to a restaurant.  For those of you who work in office type jobs, do you find that your guide has difficulty with long hours of nothing for them to do?  Do you offer more freedom in your office when you have no clients?   Do you tend to do more things on the weekends  so your guide can get in more varied work?

any helpful ideas for the transition to a longer, less varied work day are appreciated.


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