[nagdu] PA Evans'Bill toHelpProtectService AnimalsReceives House Endorsement

Passle Helminski passle at roadrunner.com
Sun Mar 13 16:48:58 UTC 2011

My dog, my new dog guide, was attacked this past Friday, on my way to 
a vet appointment. I had my cell phone on the strap of my shoulder 
bag. My dog did not fight back.  The attacking dog was on a leash. I 
got tangle in the leash. The owner got the dog off of my dog and the 
leash untangled but would not speak to me.  I used my cell to try to 
take some photos.  My vet checked to see if I got any photos and 
called the police. This is the second time we were attack.  My 
retired dog guide was attacked 6 times.

Hopefully we will get a law passed in PA.

Passle in PA

>Photographing the attack is all well and good, but how is that going 
>to help you in the here and now? What about in addition to the nifty 
>camera you carry some doggy pepper spray or something like that. 
>Then, when the attacking dog decides it would rather rub his green 
>tinged pepper spray covered face in the dirt than attack you can 
>take that picture. And also, a green tinged pepper spray covered 
>yelping in pain dog will be very easy for the cops to identify at 
>the nearest vet's office.
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Tamara Smith-Kinney" 
><tamara.8024 at comcast.net>
>To: "'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog 
>Users'" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2011 3:54 PM
>Subject: Re: [nagdu] PA Evans'Bill toHelpProtectService 
>AnimalsReceives House Endorsement
>>I like to do scenario planning, too, so that if it all hits the fan, I won't
>>be caught flat footed and just stand around gaping stupidly.  Then again, I
>>can still manage to do that, with or without advance planning.  /smile/
>>I do like the idea of having a handheld camera -- preferably in a cell phone
>>-- on hand as an evidence gathering tool.  I figure if I can hear, I can
>>point the camera.  Whether I could pull that off in the thick of things, I
>>don't know.  My first priority is to protect my dog and then myself, while
>>diffusing things before they get too ugly...  I hope not to find out if I
>>could pull off whipping out the camera so that I could have some recourse
>>after the dust settles.
>>Tami Smith-Kinney

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