[nagdu] Stress Issues

Julie J. julielj at neb.rr.com
Tue Sep 6 18:32:08 UTC 2011


What things do you find that are fun to do with your dog?  What things 
does he enjoy doing with you?  You know the saying...all work and no play...

Play or relaxation is very different from individual to individual, 
whether they be dog or human.  I find bubble baths, books, long walks 
and cool fall days extremely peaceful and relaxing.  Monty thinks baths 
are something to be endured, books are just an excuse that I use to get 
out of a good game of tug, long walks are great and cool fall days are 
only good if they involve running!

Other things Monty finds relaxing are: being groomed with the rubber 
nubby brush, fetch, Frisbee, chasing the flashlight, eating, learning 
new things with the clicker, new toys, old toys, sniffing, playing with 
well behaved dogs, being petted especially around the cheeks, chin and 

Belle likes to nap on the couch, sunbathe on the patio, bark at other 
dogs, be scratched at the base of her tail and the top of her hips, run 
on the Flexi, eat people food, and keep Monty from eating her food.

Whatever you and your dog find fun  and/or relaxing is what is right for 
you.  I hope you find things that work for you. It sounds like both of 
you are very stressed.

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