[nagdu] Pig was Re: Backpacking

Julie J. julielj at neb.rr.com
Wed Jan 25 13:53:37 UTC 2012


Glad you got the info you needed about backpacking.  I haven't been in a 
long, long time.  It was lots of fun while it lasted though.

Regarding the pig...I live in rural Nebraska.  We have lots of animals 
about both behind fences and the wild running free sort.  Monty has been 
around horses, goats, cows, sheep, all sorts of birds, cats, squirrels, 
bunnies and yes, even pigs.  He shows some interest, but really not much 
more than he does for something else he might see that is new or 
interesting.  However a couple of years ago I took him to the state 
fair.  He was fine around horse drawn carriages, marching bands, food 
all over the ground, and all manner of crazy people.  The only time he 
had a freak out was over the llamas.  Those pesky llamas! I don't forsee 
llama herding in his future. LOL


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